King^s Pen Music

The Man Behind the Music

At the age of 12, Nicholas Wilson was inspired to do Christian Hip-Hop. What started out with just a hope to bless his congregation, soon evolved into a willingness to minister to the world, with a gift and a talent that is fully submissive to Christ's will and destiny FOR his ministry. King^s Pen says, "If one can believe that God has a predestined plan for all of our lives, than we all have a responsibility to fulfill it to our best abilities through Christ. And as i feel that my calling is through music, I will submissively obey what I'm called to do until I'm called to do other wise through God's will and perfect plan for my life."

King^s Pen capitalizes on the genuine nature of his music. With transperant lyrics reflecting his own life, King^s Pen allows every listener to understand the HEART within the artist. "There is such a misconception that Christians live this perfect life, with no pain, no struggles, and no sin. My music is a constant reminder that we ALL sin and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)." King^s Pen music evaluates his life first, revealing all of his struggles and inner flaws, but bares witness personally from his life how he has been rescued. With songs such as A Sinner's Prayer and Wretched Man, listeners are able to peek into King^s Pen's life, and see how through the grace of God he was rescued from his sin, pain, and confusion. "The great thing about personally knowing Christ in my life is understanding that even while I was still in my sin, He decided to lay His life on the line for ME (Romans 5:8)."

King^s Pen's purpose for his unique form of reaching out to his listeners, is to reveal to them that no matter what your situation might be, Christ looks past your problems and truly searches after your heart for Him (Ephesians 2:8-9). "No matter if we admit it or not, we are all prideful. Sometimes we are so prideful that we do not want help from ANYBODY, even when we can't help ourselves. Christ desires to take the burden for us, as long as we swallow our pride enough to say that we want Him to take control of our lives. There has to come a time when we look at how destructive this world is, and understand that we are no different from the murders, rapist, and drug dealers we see on television, because just like most of them, we try to run things OUR way. Look at the stars, the moon, the ocean, the trees, MUSIC, and even our own sense of feelings and judgement! How can you see the marvelous wonders of this world and not understand that there is a God powerful enough to create all of these awesome things, but also powerful enough to rescue you from all of your pain, confusion, and sin? When we understand exactly who God is, and all that He can do, it almost seems foolish to try to live our lives by OUR standards and not HIS."

Why choose to live this life ALONE? Jesus wants a personal relationship with us, Jesus Christ says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me." (Revelation 3:20)